I cause upset without trying

Hopefully, you've heard Maxïmo Park's new single 'Our Velocity' by now. (If not: hype machine! And check out the terrific video too!) It's been playing here for a few weeks, and I can't see myself getting tired of it any time soon. Like the best songs from their excellent debut 'A Certain Trigger', it's perfect to jump off beds to, has about six discernible choruses, and is three minutes of pure fun. Best of all, it has me really excited to hear their second record 'Our Earthly Pleasures', released in April in the UK and May in the US.

Anyway, to further whet appetites, spin magazine is offering another Pleasures song, called 'Your Urge', which is the flipside to 'Our Velocity'. Piano driven, sedate and featuring the lyric "codify your utterance", it's pretty, sees Paul Smith singing tenderly, and probably not star-jumping. Get excited for the album.

[download Maxïmo Park -Your Urge] from spin.com


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